My life is very ordinary. I’m not glamorous. But in a culture that’s constantly chasing the next shiny thing, there’s something deeply satisfying about a consistent, regular life.

I can relate to ordinary, and I’m guessing you can too.
Let’s be friends.

Glordinary podcast now available

Glordinary began on a walk with my dog. It was a transitional time for me, desperately pursuing job after job. No after no. It was like doors, windows, and even the blinds closed. N-O, nothing was working out. And yet, everything was righting itself also.

That wintry, Michigan walk marked a turning point I never saw coming. As I trudged along, I prayed, “Lord, there’s nothing glamorous about my life, but it is glorious.”

I didn’t fully know what I even meant. The words escaped me so quickly. But He knew.

That day in 2007 became a journey of one foot in front of the other. An ordinary life. “A long obedience in the same direction” life. A life where I could glimpse Glory in the ordinary.

It’s not flashy. It’s not “on trend,” but it.is.glordinary!

Truthfully encourage.

Champion the ordinary.

Invite meaningful reflection.

I can’t with the lies anymore! Culture screams we can do it all, and no worries- you’ve got this! Actually, you don’t, and neither do I. So, let’s ditch the lies.
I’m taking back my God-given identity and purpose. Join me.
